Friday, June 30, 2017

Of Life and Gratitude (not my usual type of post)

This bird died near the entrance of a grocery store I frequent. The proximity of death to abundance is a multilayered koan.

I bitch about work and stress.
I never bitch about being hungry.

I bitch about television and movies.
I never bitch about being unsafe.

I bitch about commuting and chores.
I never bitch about finding a place to sleep.

I bitch about replacing my computer.
I never bitch about my family living in poverty.

I bitch about common Western problems knowing how lucky I am to have them. I don’t feel guilt over the fortune of my birthplace, to be clear, nor do I understand people who do. I didn’t pick it, nor did I push some other soul out of the line to the best of my metaphysical knowledge. What I am is deeply, deeply grateful. The unlikeliness of my circumstances given the scope of human history does not elude me. I am equally grateful that I was raised to try to make quality decisions. I am grateful the mistakes I made of my own volition did not ruin my life. I am grateful I learned from them. Living in the West in and of itself guarantees nothing, lest we forget. Finally, I am grateful for those who planted the concept within me that (hopefully) one day most humans will only have my kind of problems. They give me hope. 

Be safe. Be well. Prosper.

Thank you.



Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Today's Tom Sawyer

- A bit of fun with rock and Minecraft and gaming (with a sprinkle of commentary) in the midst of all the seriousness of the world. If you are not familiar with the source song Today's Tom Sawyer by Rush scroll down and play the song while reading. Just remember: blocks aren't permanent, but change is. Enjoy!

A modern day monster
Mean, mean stride
Today's Tom Sawyer
Mean, mean surprise

Though its mind has ill intent
Don't put it down as arrogant
Its technique is a quiet offense
Sneaking up on Steve is next
The chickens

What you say to a game company
helps them to mold their next DLC
Ask for mirth, ask for myth
Ask for mystery, Ask for wit

The world is, the world is
Square and caves are deep
Maybe as the skies are wide

Today's Tom Sawyer
It explodes on you
And the space it invades
Gets blown up too

No, this mob is not for rent
To any Notch or government
Always filled with ill content
It knows blocks aren't permanent
But change is

What you say to a game company
helps them to mold their next DLC
Ask for mirth, ask for myth
Ask for mystery, Ask for wit

The world is, the world is
Square and caves are deep
Maybe as the skies are wide

Exit the creeper
Today's Tom Sawyer
It sneaks on by you
And the emeralds you trade
He gets right on to the next noob of the day

(Check out that movie poster. Do you know the title?)

Be seeing you,
